Shadi Alwan
OCT. 23, 2019
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British parliamentarian Neil Cowell hosted a meeting at the House of Commons in London on Wednesday evening, October 23, 2019, to gather a number of British politicians and students of political and strategic studies and interested in British foreign policy. In a public discussion with the audience, the British MP Neil Cowell talked about the position of his British Labor Party on the Brexit crisis and the exit from the European Union, as well as how British foreign policy deals with the crisis file in Yemen. Regarding the crisis in Yemen, political and media activist Nasr al-Esayi spoke about the need for the British Parliament to seek a change in the British government's foreign policy dealing with this file in line with the changes brought about by the war on the ground. On behalf of the Southern Independent Group for the Defense of Human Rights, Al-Esayi handed over to British Parliamentary Neil Cowell an integrated report on the violations and crimes committed by Houthi militias and other extremist groups supported by political forces in North Yemen Innocent civilians in the southern governorates of South Yemen.